Before I became a professor, I was a management consultant, and before I became a consultant, I was a philosopher, so I have always been a sort of "pracademic."

Selected Writing and Speaking
These are some of my pieces produced for public audiences. Please see Research for my academic writing. My complete publications are listed on my curriculum vitae. Here is a link to my podcast, "Work in Progress with Christopher Wong Michaelson," sponsored by the Melrose and The Toro Company Center for Principled Leadership.
Work &
Michaelson, Christopher Wong, and Tosti-Kharas, Jennifer. 2023. Wealth or work? How to make the world a better place. King’s College London Meaning and Purpose Network.
Lepisto, Douglas A., Michaelson, Christopher, Pratt, Michael G., and Hedden, Luke N. 2022. The purpose paradox. People + Strategy Journal.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2022. Reinventing globalization: Community, virtues, and the power of purpose (interview with Ricardo Aguado). Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2010. The importance of meaningful work. MIT Sloan Management Review 51(2): 12-13.
Politics &
Song, John, and Michaelson, Christopher. 2022. Measuring what matters: For whom the monitor beeps? University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2018. These are the books President Trump should read on his way to Davos. The Washington Post (originally published here in The Conversation).
Michaelson, Christopher. 2017. Dostoevsky titles that ominously foreshadowed the presidency of Donald J. Trump. McSweeney’s Internet Tendency.
Michaelson, C. 2012. Mann meets humanity in Davos. The Huffington Post.
Sports &
Michaelson, Christopher, and Williams, Yohuru. 2022. Like athletes, corporate leaders shifting in how they tackle social issues. Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
Michaelson, C. 2021. Fantasy and fair trade: Confessions of the fantasy ethicist. The Athletic.
Michaelson, C. 2014. The violence spills off the field. Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
Michaelson, C. 2013. Is it legal? Yes. Ethical? Perhaps. Underhanded? Definitely. The Huffington Post.
Culture &
Michaelson, Christopher. 2022. As a child, I shunned my Asian identity. As a Jewish adult, I embrace it. The Forward.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2022. Half white, half Wong (sermon). Temple Israel, Minneapolis, USA.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2022. Whatever it takes. New York Times Metropolitan Diary.
Michaelson, Christopher. 2013. Meaningful work in The Pale King: In Memory of David Foster Wallace, Five Years On. The Huffington Post.